
Gursaurabh Singh

Gursaurabh Singh

Meet Gursaurabh Singh, the brilliant mind behind the Dhruv Vidyut Electric Conversion Kit – a game-changing invention that is revolutionizing the way millions of Indian citizens get around. For years, the humble single-bar bicycle has been the go-to mode of transport for countless people across India. But with the advent of electric cars and other high-tech vehicles, it was beginning to lose its appeal. That’s where Gursaurabh came in. Driven by a passion for progress and a deep respect for tradition, Gursaurabh set out to create a device that would upgrade regular bicycles into powerful, electric-powered machines. And he succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. The DVECK is a marvel of technology, capable of transforming over eight crore cycles across India into eco-friendly, battery-driven vehicles. With the DVECK, the single-bar bicycle is given a new lease on life. It can now tackle steep hills and long distances with ease, making it a practical and sustainable option for commuters and adventurers alike. And as more and more people embrace this exciting new technology, they are helping to build a greener, more sustainable future for themselves and for the planet. But the DVECK is more than just a device – it’s a symbol of hope and progress. It shows us that even the most humble of modes of transport can be transformed into something truly extraordinary with a little bit of innovation and ingenuity. @dhruvvidyutdv #dhruvvidyut #dveck #deshkiraftaar #bornready #technology #construction #marketing #startup #startupcaffe #startupideas #startupgrind #startupcompany #startupadvice #changeyourlife
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